Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis Dog Surgery

Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis (JPS) Dog Surgery

When puppies, up to 16 weeks of age, supper from hip dysplasia, Juvenile Pubic Symphysiotomy (JPS) surgery is used to cause a change in the orientation of the hip socket with the growing pelvis in order to increase the contact surface area between the hip socket and the weight-bearing portion of the femoral head.

Who Can Benefit From a Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis? 

This procedure works best with puppies under 16 weeks of age with signs of hip laxity. It prevents or significantly reduces hip dysplasia development in puppies who have yet to undergo significant pelvic growth. Surgeons recommend spaying or neutering if JPS is performed in order to prevent unethical practices for breeding purposes later in life.

What is the Prognosis of a Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis?

Dogs between 16 – 20 weeks of age are significantly less likely to be successful because too much pelvic growth has occurred. A major problem with this approach is that the hip joints may appear normal radiographically in adulthood, but the dogs’ genetic code is, of course, unaltered. There is a very high chance of clinically significant hip dysplasia developing when this procedure is performed at a sufficiently young age.

Consult a Board-Certified Veterinary Surgeon

Global Veterinary Specialists recognize that dogs and cats encounter orthopedic injuries, disabling difficulties, and diseases that can impact their quality of life and are committed to restoring pain-free mobility by treating hip dysplasia and other conditions like secondary osteoarthritis.

The board-certified veterinary surgeons at Global Veterinary Specialists have extensive veterinarian and surgical experience, so you can be assured that your cat or dog is receiving excellent care.

We are teachers, mentors, inventors, clinical researchers, and veterinary surgeons committed to achieving excellent results for every patient animal we see regardless of their age or breed. We invite you to contact GVS today to learn about the treatment options for hip dysplasia so that your pet can resume a happy, healthy, pain-free life.

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